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1. How to Prepare Celeriac: it's more versatile than you think!

A quirky root veg with massive potential!
A quirky root veg with massive potential!

Celery is among the vegetables that can be eaten from root to leaves! No doubt you've had many celery sticks, but have you tried the root? With a mild celery flavour, celeriac is slighyl bitter when raw and sweetens up when roasted. Embrace this funny looking bulb and add it to your produce repetoire!

How to prepare:

  • Give it a quick scrub to remove any dirt

  • slice off the top and bottom, and remove the tough outer skin

  • cube, slice, dice or grate!

How to use it:

  • boil or steam cubes then puree or mash

  • roast seasoned cubes in your oven or air-fryer

  • shred or grate and add to any slaw recipe

  • goes well with other root veggies, like carrots and potatoes

Below is a super simple soup recipe. Experiment with different seasonings, or add a plant-based protein, like tofu or white navy beans, to make it more of a meal. Top soup with dried herbs, seeds, crispy onions, hot sauce or a dollop of yoghurt... the possibilities are truly endless!

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